4th Amendment - Who Needs It?
So when Gonzales couldn't tell us whether it was constitutional for the president to listen to purely domestic calls without any terrorist or foreign connection, he just didn't want to "go there". Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room Story Images Click thumbnails for full-size image: Breaking News from AP and Reuters Student can recite poem with profanity 6 killed when train, SUV collide in Colo. Tornadoes rip through eastern Iowa Schwarzenegger comes out vs. preschool tax Tornadoes reported across eastern Iowa document.wireservice_expandableNodes = new Array ( new ExpandableElement("Breaking_News") ); document.wireservice_expandableNodeList = new ExpandableElementList(); document.wireservice_expandableNodeList.addElement(document.wireservice_expandableNodes[0]); document.wireservice_expandableNodes[0].expand(); if (catman.isSlotAvailable('messagingunit')) { catman.renderSlot('messagingunit'); } if (catman.isSlotAvailable('wideskyscraper...