
Showing posts from April 9, 2006

4th Amendment - Who Needs It?

So when Gonzales couldn't tell us whether it was constitutional for the president to listen to purely domestic calls without any terrorist or foreign connection, he just didn't want to "go there". Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room Story Images Click thumbnails for full-size image: Breaking News from AP and Reuters Student can recite poem with profanity 6 killed when train, SUV collide in Colo. Tornadoes rip through eastern Iowa Schwarzenegger comes out vs. preschool tax Tornadoes reported across eastern Iowa document.wireservice_expandableNodes = new Array ( new ExpandableElement("Breaking_News") ); document.wireservice_expandableNodeList = new ExpandableElementList(); document.wireservice_expandableNodeList.addElement(document.wireservice_expandableNodes[0]); document.wireservice_expandableNodes[0].expand(); if (catman.isSlotAvailable('messagingunit')) { catman.renderSlot('messagingunit'); } if (catman.isSlotAvailable('wideskyscraper...

What Happened to Steve & Jeanine

They are silent

Fearless Leader

Bob: I haven't seen you defending fearless leader much recently. Was the Scooter Libby revelation too much for you.? Or as I suspect, you are waiting for the rapture along with the current administration. I for one plan to be around for a while, I think the constant revising of the truth by this administration has to be made a central issue of public debate. Don't you expect more from your public leaders than what we have now.

Against Precariousness

The strangest revolution the French have ever produced By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER The French are justly proud of their revolutionary tradition. After all, 1789 begat 1848 and 1871 and indeed inspired just about every revolution for a century, up to and including the Russian Revolution of 1917. Say what you will about the outcomes, but the origins were quite glorious: defiant, courageous, bloody, romantic uprisings against all that was fixed and immovable and oppressive: kings, czars, churches, oligarchies, tyrannies of every kind. And now, in a new act of revolutionary creativity, the French are at it again. Millions of young people and trade unionists, joined by some underclass opportunists looking for a good night out, have taken to the streets again. To rise up against what? In massive protest against a law that would allow employers to fire an employee less than 26 years old in the first two years of his contract. That's a very long way from liberty, equality, fraternity. The spiri...