Religion v Science

The real war of significance in the world today is a war of ideas, not a war between armies. Who speaks the truth? Scientists say that truth must have evidence and logic to prove it. It must be demonstrable and have predictive power. Supernaturalists claim that they have a secret pipeline to an invisible, omnipotent God, who gives them instructions. Bin Laden and Pope Benedict both claim to be special spokespersons for different versions of this same God. Why does God need spokespersons. Why does an omnipotent God not speak to all persons? Why do the different prophets of God speak in conflicting messages? Scientists say: judge the evidence for yourself. Use your brain and make a reasoned decision. Bin Laden says, "If you criticize our philosophy, if you criticize our prophet, we will not listen to you, we will hunt you down and exterminate you. You do not have the right to choose for yourself what you believe. You must submit to Islam or die....