
Showing posts from March 16, 2008

Religion v Science

    The real war of significance in the world today is a war of ideas, not a war between armies.   Who speaks the truth?       Scientists say that truth must have evidence and logic to prove it. It must be demonstrable and have predictive power.   Supernaturalists claim that they have a secret pipeline to an invisible, omnipotent God, who gives them instructions.   Bin Laden and Pope Benedict both claim to be special spokespersons for different versions of this same God.       Why does God need spokespersons. Why does an omnipotent God not speak to all persons?  Why do the different prophets of God speak in conflicting messages?        Scientists say: judge the evidence for yourself. Use your brain and make a reasoned decision.       Bin Laden says, "If you criticize our philosophy, if you criticize our prophet, we will not listen to you, we will hunt you down and exterminate you.  You do not have the right to choose for yourself what you believe. You must submit to Islam or die....

Cartoon News

   Bin Laden is really mad about that cartoon about Muhammad.    Retaliation is threatened.  In other words, the punishment for publishing a cartoon suggesting that Muhammad might be linked to violence (he has a bomb on his head) is more violence from the followers of Muhammad, thus proving that the cartoon was accurate.    Is this cartoon really the most pressing business facing the Islamic world?  Don't Moslems have a sense of humor?? 

Listening to Obama

Speaking as a member of the "other party."  I listened to Barack Obama give his speech today with growing admiration.   Obama seems to me to be a man of rare intelligence and subtlety, especially for a politician.  I don't think I could agree with all his policies, but I admire his intelligence, his calm, his idealism and his desire to bring people together.  I find myself wishing that I could find good reason to support this man. 

Pop Star Gets Religion

     A retired Kuwaiti superstar recently left the Gulf emirate for Afghanistan to join ranks with al-Qaeda and Taliban forces fighting there.   H e decided to leave the sinful world of singing and join the Holy Jihad against the west.    His job prior to deciding to head for Afghanistan was to warn people of the dangers of art and its sinful atmosphere.   Apparently, he now believes that killing foreigners is more holy than singing pop music, thanks to the influence of his religion, Islam.  I thought it was poverty that caused terrorism.  

Religion of Peace Kills Homosexuals

    While chatting with people in America, the President of Iran advised that Iran does not have homosexuals in its country, like America does.  The sophisticated audience at Columbia University responded to this remark by laughing.  Iran would like to have no homosexuals. I t has executed 4000 persons for the crime of being a homosexual since 1980.      Why is that the left seems to be turning a deaf hear to the requests of homosexuals and converts from Islam for asylum in the West?   Perhaps it is because it is difficult for a diversity worshipper to accept the idea that all religions are not equal; that Islam is anti liberal; anti-west; and dangerous by virtue of its orthodox teachings, not by virtue of the fact that it has been "highjacked" by extreme elements.