
Showing posts from February 4, 2007

Info re: Douglas Feith

Extracted from Right Web Feith cannot be described by a single label. A fervent militarist with close ties to the military-industrial complex, Feith has repeatedly aligned himself with hardliners in government, working with Richard Perle in the 1980s and then becoming part of the Vulcans along with Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Dick Cheney in the Bush II administration. He worked as a corporate lobbyist in the 1990s for Northrup Grumman, among other military contractors. His political orientation has been distinctly neoconservative, as evident in his affiliations with such groups as the Middle East Forum (MEF), Center for Security Policy (CSP), and Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs . Feith has also been associated with the National Institute for Public Policy (NIPP), which promotes missile defense, space weapons, and nuclear weapons development. Feith, along with Max Kampelman , was a team leader for N...

Moderate Mideast Allies?

These moderates are in fact fanatics, torturers and killers The longer the US and Britain back dictatorial regimes in the Middle East the more explosive the region will become Mai Yamani Tuesday February 6, 2007 The Guardian UK Politicians, especially in times of geopolitical deadlock, adopt a word or a concept to sell to the public. In 1973, at the peak of cold-war tensions, the US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, coined the term "detente". Such words gain a currency and become useful political tools to escape policy quagmires. As the Middle East lurches from crisis to crisis, Tony Blair, George Bush and Condoleezza Rice compulsively repeat the word "moderates" to describe their allies in the region. But the concept of moderate is merely the latest attempt to market a failed policy, while offering a facile hedge against accusations of Islamophobia and anti-Islamic policies. Western leaders have simply chosen a few Arab rulers they believe are still saleable to...