Hillary's Victorious Secret

Hillary demonstrated once again that you should not underestimate the power of the Dark Side. I heard pundits yesterday arguing that she was ten and thirteen points behind in the polls; that she was history, and Obama had an unstoppable surge lifting him up to the Presidency. Everyone was discussing why her run for the Presidency had collapsed. Yet instead, Hillary wins? Once again, the accuracy of these polls must be called into question. Who do they poll? Other journalists in the same room? It does seem to me that Obama has the vote of the journalists, though. I listened to the speech of Obama yesterday, with screaming hordes hurraying at every sentence, but I must confess I am a little confused as to what Obama is going to do. He is for "change" which the crowd shouts over and over. But what is he going to change? And in what way? I did not hear any specific proposals. The entire speech was a bunch of metaphors like "new road" without any ...