Modern Fascism

Fascism did not die with Adolph Hitler. The philosophy is alive and well, but it no longer calls itself Fascist. It prefers the words "liberal" and "progressive." I am currently reading an interesting book with the somewhat shocking title: "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg. I would venture to suggest that what various Fascist movements hold in common is a faith, almost religious in character, in the power of the state to solve all problems in the world. For modern fascist types, Politics replaces Religion as the Ultimate Ideology. There also seems to be a faith in the ability of the Intelligentsia to solve problems and a distrust of democracy and ordinary people who are regarded as rather dumb, uneducated and not fit for making important decisions. Hence all the warnings printed all over every product you buy, such as warnings not to use a hair dryer in the shower. The exact plan for World Salvation is not clear, but it is the power of the sta...