Let the Muslims Fight It Out
Here is another suggestion by Diana West to just withdraw and let the Muslims continue their 1000 year old sectarian battle. _______________ Funny thing about the recent op-ed by Nawaf Obaid in The Washington Post outlining likely Saudi actions if the United States withdraws from Iraq: namely, that Saudis would both support Sunnis in Iraq (versus Shi'ites supported by Iran) and manipulate the oil market to "strangle" the Iranian economy. I think it sounds peachy, this let-them-devour-each-other strategy — which I'm guessing many Americans mutter to one another in frankness, if not also in confidence. You can read the entire thing here. --------------- I note that this sort of suggestion was not included in the Iraq Study Group. It has increasing appeal to me because I am less sanguine about the possibility of "moderate Muslims" who would appreciate our efforts to institute a western style Constitutional democracy. They say they want this, to get our mon...