Let the Muslims Fight It Out

Here is another suggestion by Diana West to just withdraw and let the Muslims continue their 1000 year old sectarian battle.


Funny thing about the recent op-ed by Nawaf Obaid in The Washington Post outlining likely Saudi actions if the United States withdraws from Iraq: namely, that Saudis would both support Sunnis in Iraq (versus Shi'ites supported by Iran) and manipulate the oil market to "strangle" the Iranian economy.

I think it sounds peachy, this let-them-devour-each-other strategy — which I'm guessing many Americans mutter to one another in frankness, if not also in confidence.

You can read the entire thing here.


I note that this sort of suggestion was not included in the Iraq Study Group. It has increasing appeal to me because I am less sanguine about the possibility of "moderate Muslims" who would appreciate our efforts to institute a western style Constitutional democracy. They say they want this, to get our money and support, but their real intention is to set up the typical semi-Sharia strongman type government at the first opportunity, and then go back to their perrenial hobby of killing one another.

Perhaps this is one of those free for all western fights and the best thing to do is to "declare victory" and tiptoe away as quietly as possible?

But Bush apparently does not agree


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