Average Republicans

________________________________________________ The next step in Presidential politics is unfortunately predictable. If any person has the gall to criticize any policy of Barack Obama, or examine his record, he will be accused of being a racist. This is just another form of ad hominem attack, like calling your opponent stupid. From a logical point of view, any argument about policy can be either right or wrong on the merits, regardless of the intelligence, education or moral attributes of the accuser. Hopefully, if Obama's policy (or lack thereof) is attacked, Barack will choose to respond to the attack on the merits, and not fall back upon the blanket reaction of accusing your opponent of being a racist. There are plenty of issues to discuss: how America should extricate itself from Iraq, how best to keep the economy moving, how to educate the young to be ready for the 21st Century,what is a rational and just tax policy? Does Barack or McCain have the best qualifi...