War Books and Other Books

    I am quite convinced that the reasons given for going to war in Iraq were not accurate.  I think they were honest mistakes,  influenced by the Bush  prejudice to find some (any) good reason to get Hussein.   However, the issue for the present is what is to be done now that we are there.  There does seem to be a little good news coming out of that geographical locale this past month.   One can only hope that some good will come out of it.   We need to exit in a responsible fashion, responsible to our soldiers, but also to the Iraqi people we leave behind.   Millions died when we abandoned Vietnam, we should not forget.  Something similar could happen in Iraq if we are not prudent. 

I am currently reading 

Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz (re-reading) 
Killing Floor by Lee Child   (it is starting out great) 
The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil   (recommended) 
Uncertainty, Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr and the Strugle for the Soul of Science by David Lindley   (My book club) 
Tool and Die by Sarah Graves  (Sharing a book with the wife)

which is quite enough for the moment, even for someone with all the time a post radical prostectectomy recipient has lying around the house still attached to a catheter. 


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