Eating the Rich in California

In California, the top one percent income earners pay 47% of the State's income tax . Not surprisingly, some of these "rich" have chosen to move their businesses and their persons to states with less draconian income taxes. Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming have no state income tax. Is it really fair that the majority of voters pay virtually no taxes, yet get to use their political power to spend whatever they like using money from people who are compelled to pay taxes? Is this not taxation without representation? With regard to the Federal income taxes, the bottom 50% pay an insignificant percentage of the total taxes, and a smaller percentage every year. In 2008, the bottom 50% pay only 2.89% of the total taxes. Yet 51% can vote to award themselves money from government programs for anything they like. For example, the government pays farmers two billion dollars not to farm their land. It paid sixty billion dollars for other kinds of ...