What Censorship

Driving 8-12 hours a week I get my fill of Rush, Levin, Weiner, Hannity, etc. What serious effort is being made to censor these talk show hosts? The boogey man, "the Fairness Doctrine" is carted out by these blow hards every day since the elecdtion. The fact that the President or others on the left might critize the accuracy of statements or tactics of these radio hosts is not censorship. In the case of Rush, he invites such commentary by making comments that he hopes the President's economic plan fails.

Since I don't have time to research the boogey man, is there a serious House or Senate Bill, FCC proposed regulation, exectutive order, or even a committe or commission whose objecti is to reimpose the so called Fairness Doctrine, let alone censorship of right wing talk show hosts.


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