Fairness Doctrine

I expected it to be coming.  When you are trying to set up a totalitarian state, the first thing you need to do is seize control of the media, especially the airwaves.  Look what has happened to the press under Putin in the New Russia. 

Hence the so called Fairness doctrine that designates the government to supervise any discussion on the airwaves.  All such discussions must be "balanced" whatever that might possibly mean.  The result, talk shows do not exist with a point of view; only allegedly objective shows. Such shows, like our major media news outlets, choose what events are newsworthy, and which are not. They also choose how every story will be "spun."  Are Israelis victims or criminals. Who is to say.  Apparently the government will tell you. 

But allegedly "objective" news programs will not be criticized. Only frankly and honestly partisan points of view like Rush Limbaugh on talk Radio or Sean Hannity on Fox News will be targeted.  Amazing how so called "liberals" are so hostile to the free marketplace of ideas.  They love to come  up with ways to prohibit points of view they disagree with, such as labeling it "hate speech."  If Rush is such a big fat idiot, prove it.  (P.S. I do not agree with everything said on talk Radio, obviously, but certainly feel they have the right to say it). 


J.D. Kessler said…

Certainly the government cannot censure what the right wing nuts say even though it is replete with exaggerations, hate speech, and out and out lies. It is very frustrating that it appears there is no debate on these talk shows. Those with opposing views are ridiculed as idiots...Have you ever listened to Mark Levin... He is probably the most afraid of an honest debate, which is odd since he's actually a lawyer.

Do you think the consolidation of the media networks contributes to the perception that right wing talk programs are free to put out their version of the truth unopposed by intelligent thought on the other side of the argument?

Interesting you pick Joe McCarthy as a supporter of fair and balanced debate, or a critic of those who would punish those with different views. Truly you have to admit you have used a classic example of turning the truth on its head. This asshole used his committee the same way Rush uses his microphone to attack anything he disagrees with and without regard to the truth of the arguments he employs. Those who opposed McCarthy became targets themselves. Think about the irony of using McCarthy as the spokesman for free speech, open debate, and supporting the right of dissent.

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