Pessimism Party


As a Republican, with a very partisan point of view, this is the way it seems to me. ___________________________

Democrats are a party of pessimists. The Donkey is a good symbol for the Democrats and that Donkey is Eyore, the sad gloomy friend of Winnie the Pooh. The Democrat Theme Song should be: “always look on the dark side.” Kerry’s recent speech has virtually nothing positive to say about the Iraq war. In page after page of doom and gloom the current situation is relentlessly viewed in the most negative light possible.

The fact that Hussein is gone, with his torture chambers and rape rooms, that democratic institutions have been established in many cities of Iraq, that free presses now operate, that an interim Iraqi government is preparing for elections; these details are not important enough to mention.

Democrats seem to believe that if a corporation makes a profit, it is thereby guilty of a crime. Entrepreneurs who create wealth are condemned as “greedy and selfish.” People who succeed and accumulate wealth are morally suspect.

Freedom doesn’t work. Most people cannot be trusted to make wise choices for themselves, they need government operatives to protect them from themselves.

All morals are relative, so America has no basis for condemning Islamic “militants” (i.e. terrorists). One man's terrorist is another man's Freedom Fighter. America has no right to consider itself superior to any other country. If we feel that our democratic institutions are superior, we are arrogant and imperialist.

Whenever we get involved in any war, Democrats starting predicting “quagmire” and “Vietnam.” It seems to me that Democrats are delighted that we lost in Vietnam as it gives them grounds to predict failure every time our country needs to go to war.

Democrats predicted failure in Afghanistan and the first Gulf war. They imagined every possible negative scenario (50,000 casualties, use of Weapons of Mass Destruction against our troops, vicious fighting house to house) in the current Iraq War, and seemed disappointed that we marched straight into Baghdad.

Today, the Democrats emphasize all of the problems with terrorism and insurgency in Iraq and continue to predict doom and gloom. The only hope to end the war is to give up, withdraw. Kerry says nothing about how he would win the war in Iraq. The notion seems unthinkable for him.

The fact is, America has won every war it determined to win. We did not lose the Vietnam war, we didn’t try to win, thanks to politicians like Johnson and Kerry. We tied our own hands with rules that made it impossible to win.

Republicans believe that Democracy and Freedom and Capitalism are values to be cherished and spread. We believe that history shows that Freedom, Democracy and Capitalism produce prosperity and are the source of our country’s success. A comparison between East Germany and West Germany, North Korea and South Korea is a test tube experiment showing the infinite superiority of Freedom over Socialism.

We believe that all peoples of the world can appreciate these basic values and all people have the same basic Human Rights.

Democrats seem to believe that Arabs/Moslems are constitutionally incapable of appreciating freedom or democracy. Dictatorship is the only political system that will work with Moslems, who have no understanding or appreciation for the joy of Freedom. Freedom and Democracy are okay for America, but they won’t work in the Middle East.

If you believe that you can’t succeed, you will not try. If you do not trust that your cause is right, you will not persevere. If you cannot recognize evil when it stares you in the face, you cannot be trusted to fight a war against that evil.

Democrat's inherent pessimism makes them defeatists. (Perhaps this explains why they are not doing so well in politics lately). They don't believe any war can be won, not even political wars. How can they be sure that they deserve to win. They distrust everything, even their own positions. Perhaps this explains Kerry's inability to hold to a one position on anything. What's right is whatever is the fashion, this moment.



Perhaps in a democracy, it is necessary to have an Optimist Party and a Pessimist Party. Debate between these two may result in a more objective viewpoint. But I do not believe that anything great was ever imagined or carried out by a pessimist. That is why I am an optimist and a Republican.


J.D. Kessler said…

This is just partisan ranting. Most democrats didn't like Saddam, they just were concerned that Bush was charging ahead without thinking the consequences of the war through to its conclusion.

Sure there are real socialistic Democrats, but they are in the minority. Progressive income taxes and estate taxes are branded a socialism by Republicans. But this is really hypocrisy. Are you willing to repeal all sales taxes, social security and self-employment taxes, and all other regressive taxes to get your beloved "flat-tax". One day I will find a book on the subject, no doubt, written by a liberal explaining how starting with Regan the tax burden has been shifted to ordinary working people, away from the coupon clipping rich. When I started working for Arthur Young in 1977 we had taxes to 70% on income. There were lots of loopholes and tax shelters. BUT WE HAD A MAXIMUM TAX ON EARNED INCOME (50%). Why, because the country at that time felt that wage earner, at all levels, deserved to keep more of their pay than those who merely clip coupons.

Over the last 20 years this has been turned on its head. Wage earners pay more and passive earners pay less. Its to the point that those who are invested soley in solely in stocks, pay less than a wage earner. 15% in the present rate on dividends and capital gains. Of course, this means nothing to the money you put in your 401(k), that will be ordinary income when you get it and you paid the social security on the way into the plan.

Now I have no problem with economic stimulus to keep the economy rolling. But, the masses on the right just eat of the bullshit that this new dividend tax cut has anything whatsoever to do with the mild economic recovery we are having. To a Democrat with a bit of smarts, the Republican masses look like stupid sheep following a line that put out by the Republican party.

I would give credit to declining and very low interest rates and the technology revolution in creating the boom of the 90's. Not tax cuts.

Democrats see nothing wrong with making money, but they seek a balance between the profit motive and the "unintended consequences". If a coal company dumps its trailings in the river, and isn't forced to pay for the cleanup, then the taxpayers or surrounding landowners pay for the cleanup. If the regulation of such behaviour is controlled by no one, then the coal company makes more money, and someone else pays for it. Environmentalists can be wackos, but even you have to agree that part of the social contract all of a bound by requires rules of conduct. When us Democrats see former coal industry lobbiest appointed to the interior department, and they start rolling back enviornmental regulations, we smell money and a rat. Are these types of appointments, payoffs for supporting the 2000 Bush campaign.

Republicans chant this mantra that freedom is good so more freedom is always better. Any law that constrains my ability to act as I want must be wrong. Well we all know nothing including freedom isn't absolute. For you to regurgitate the mantra that Democrats believe people can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves, is silly. Silly because we could probably agree upon a half dozen Republican issues that involve not allowing individuals to make their own choices. For instance, why are drug illegal. Can't people be responsible to not get behind the wheel of a car under the influence?

True, most peaceniks are Democrats, but look at Pat Buchanan. He opposes US intervention in this war. Since Vietnam, I think everyone who cares about US soldiers is reluctant to put our soldiers on the ground unless the purpose and the endgame is clear. We could "win" the war in Iraq. Just slaughter everybody who gets in our way. Since that is not palitable to most god fearing americans, including the Republican, winning the war becomes much more complicated. To have Bush and Cheney running around talking about the successes in the war at the same time there appears to be utter chaos in Iraq seems nothing more than politics to Democrats. They have just got to hold out until Nov 2.

This is a little piece about the views of that commie Republican bastard Chuck Hagel

"Kyl answered, "Absolutely." He described Bush as a leader who "has a firm idea of what he wants to accomplish." He said, "Freedom is on the march." He praised Bush's decisiveness, saying, "Hand-wringing does not win wars."

Hagel had none of that partisan jingoism. He was asked by the host, Bob Schieffer, "Do you think, Senator Hagel, that we're winning?"

Hagel said, "No, I don't think we're winning. In all due respect to my friend Jon Kyl, the term `hand-wringing' is a little misplaced here. The fact is, a crisp, sharp analysis of our policies is required. We didn't do that in Vietnam and we saw 11 years of casualties mount to the point where we finally lost. We can't lose this. This is too important. There's no question about that. But to say, `Well, we just must stay the course and any of you who are questioning are just hand-wringers' is not very responsible. The fact is, we're in trouble. We're in deep trouble in Iraq."

Oh, and how about Bosnia and Kosovo. The majority of Republicans objected to these actions, claiming we should not be nation building, and then of course it was a distraction from proving Clinton had Vince Foster murdered.

Finally, you construct this argument that Democrats don't believe that the Arab countries can live cohesively without a dictator. Republican see that they are better people and therefore will line up to form an american democracy. Unlike the roots of our government, they did not fight for their freedom. The dialogue that proceeded our revolution had a goal, albeit in an embryo form. I just think it is presumptive to assume that the neo-con's know what arabs and tribal groups want.

So there!

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