What Would Kerry Do In Iraq?

It is hard to tell from his conflicting statements, but I have my suspicions. . .

Kerry says Bush "went it alone, we are bearing the burden and paying almost any price alone. Almost all the casualties are the sons and daughters of America. And 90 percent of the costs are being met by Americans - the total so far, $200 billion and rising every day ...

"That's $200 billion we're not investing in homeland security to keep cops on the street, to protect our airports, our subways. ... Wrong choices, wrong direction, wrong leadership for America." Sometimes, he says the money could be spent on health care or after-school programs.

So how much would Kerry suggest that we spend in Iraq? What would his administration do to correct the mess the Bush administration has left?


In recent speeches, Kerry says, "It's not that I would have done one thing differently in Iraq. I would have done almost everything differently. It was wrong to rush to war without a plan to win the peace. It was wrong not to build a strong international coalition of our allies."

What in the Hell does this mean? I would have done "almost everything differently"? Does that mean he would have lost he war. Would not have invaded at all. Would have spent more money? Less money? Sent more troops? Less troops? Who can tell?


Last month he said that, even knowing that Hussein lacked weapons of mass destruction, he still would have voted to authorize Bush to go to war in October 2002.

This month, he is saying that it was "the wrong war, in the wrong place at the wrong time."


Lets speculate a little: If Kerry had been President instead of Bush, what would he have done? My feelings:

We would never have gone to war. U.N. Weapons inspectors would have wandered around for months. When they found nothing, we would have withdrawn our 100,000 troops from the region. (Probably, he would never have even sent the troops in the first place).

We would then have lifted sanctions, which were only harming the Iraqi people and opposed by most countries, including our allies the French.

At this point, Hussein would resume in peace his WMD programs. He could continue to cultivate his links with terrorist organizations.


But other than speculate about Might Have Beens if Kerry was President, we also would like to know what Kerry would do about the Future if he becomes President?

Lately, his emphasis has been on withdrawal. In May, he said he would withdraw troops "sooner than Bush would." On Aug. 8, he said he would "significantly" reduce the number of troops "within six months" of taking office. On Aug. 9, he said he hoped to begin withdrawals "within a year."

Lately, he's said, "My goal would be to try to get them home in my first term" and to begin withdrawing "as soon as possible."

So we would have another Vietnam to add to our history. Another war that Kerry could add to his list of wars he helped to lose by surrender. Kerry publicly supported the North Vietnamese "peace plan" which consisted of American immediately withdrawing all troops and paying reparations to North Vietnam.

And what of the people of Iraq who are struggling to build a democracy against Islamic fascists and international terrorists? They would suffer the same fate as the South Vietnamese when we withdrew from Vietnam. Millions dead. Continued slavery to the forces of evil.



J.D. Kessler said…

I don't know what Kerry should do, but you appear to be picking up the party line that what's going on in Falujah and Bagdad is Islamic fundementalist or terrorists.

Isn't it more likely this is the work of Baathists loyal to the former regime.
Bob Cat said…

Well, the Baathists are Fascists. And they are Islamic to some extent. But I understand what you are saying and agree that the old Baathists are a good part of the opposition to setting up a Democratic governement.

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