Hollywood Confronts Terrorism

by Bob Clasen

Finally,a Hollywood movie has mustered the courage to squarely confront the problem of International Terrorism.

In their latest movie, writer-directors Trey Parker and Matt Stone (of "South Park" fame) choose as their villain Korean dictator Kim Jong Il. In the movie's plot, Kim is providing WMD to arab terrorists in a huge conspiracy to destroy the world. Kim's key allies are the Film Actors Guild whose misguided but idealistic actors do not realize that in opposing Team America they are pawns of evil. Among the Film Actors featured prominently in the film are George Clooney, Janeane Garofalo, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn and Helen Hunt. Alex Baldwin is the President of FAG and is pilloried mercilessly. Also pitted against Team America is Michael Moore.

The only persons who can fight this evil is "Team America; World Police." All roles played by puppets (inspired by the old television show some of you may remember, called "Thunderbirds." In the course of fighting terrorists, the eager members of Team American accidentally create some unfortunate "collateral damage" to, among other things, the Eiffel Tower and Arch de Triumph. Hee Hee.

The movie was originally given a NC-17 Rating by the MPAA. It was reduced to an "R", after a sex scene between two puppets was edited. If you are offended by scatalogical language or the potty mouth, Bill O'Reilly, you probably should pass on this one. In fact, after watching this movie, I am going to demand the same thing as O'Reilly's producer demanded for having to listen over and over and over to O'Reilly talk dirty (without ever complaining to anyone): $60 million dollars.


Anonymous said…
I can't recall where but there is a site that has a letter Sean Penn wrote to the directors.

He was not complimentary about the movie these boys did.


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