Is Osama Bin Laden Dead?

Probably yes

The last videotape purportedly showing Osama Bin Laden was released October 19, 2003, a year ago. But there is nothing in that video to verify that it was taken at that time. In fact, Osama looks healthier in that video than he did in the December of 2001 video, when he looked none too good. According to most experts, the audio tapes released over the past year are fabricated or can't be dated.

If Osama was alive, wouldn't he want to release a video of himself to laugh in the face of the Great Satan and prove that he had prevailed in some way over the Infidel? It looks increasingly unlikely that Karl Rove is going to be able to produce Bin Laden as the October Surprise unless they find his dead body. In fact, despite Kerry's accusation that Bush let Osama get away in Tora Bora, it seems likely that Osama lies buried in some cave in Tora Bora.

If you are interested in reviewing a more detailed review of the evidence by someone who concludes that Bin Laden is probably dead, go to



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