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Jesus Christ born in Ukraine
03/30/2004 13:04

New Jesus Christ has been baptized in Ukrainian town of Zhitomir in March. Residents of this town already got used to the fact that they all had a chance to witness the event.
Local priest Vladimir Radzuk named his son Jesus Christ in order to test peoples' attitudes toward God. In the end, the result turned out to be not quite as he had expected.
Jesus was born in someone's half-burned flat. The son was the one to pay for his father's sins. Apparently, Rudzak was the only priest who supported political demonstration "Ukraine without Kuchma"; he ran into troubles because of it and in the end lost his post.
His son Jesus Christ was born practically weightless-only 2 kg 670 grams. Doctors declared him "almost healthy." The priest took a long time to decide who will baptize the baby. His wife Natalya offered one candidacy, Leonid Yarmolnik. He however declined the role of John the Baptist. In the end, the priest baptized his baby boy himself.
Jesus' first words were "na"[take it] and "dai"[give]. Jesus already understands that one should not only 'give' but also be able to 'take' in order to survive on this planet.
The baby triggered a new epidemic in town: local hospitals have already registered another two newborn Jesuses.


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