O'Reilly Continued

Bob asked a very good question regarding my post 2 topic entries below - good reading. The question had to do with whether I would treat sexual harassment differently if the accused was a Republican or Democrat. First, I think it is important for people to realize sexual harassment exists in both parties and affects all people in our society, especially women. It is no longer acceptable for crusty old men of a different generation to behave inappropriately around women because "that was acceptable in my day."

Being a part of a fraternity I experienced a lot of this behavior, yet personally never felt it was proper conduct. That is not to say that we sat around and recited biblical passages during our chapter room meetings. We had a good time and had a liberal attitude towards women. However, no one got hurt accept for the occasional broken heart. And when bad behavior occurred, members of the house quickly put the offender in check. We acted with common sense and respect around women. I believe this is the case for a majority of men, but bad apples will exist because of their inability to control their behavior. And, furthermore, this gives all men a bad name.

Let's take Clinton and Lewinski. From what I gather, Monica never said she was harassed or felt obligated to partake in their affair. In fact, she spoke highly of him during the media scandal and appeared to show much respect. I believe this was the cornerstone to why Clinton supporters united around him. Had Lewinski claimed harassment, I would not have been so apt to dismiss the Republican attacks.

The real test of harassment is the voice of the victim. I have been around many women under romantic, social and workplace settings and have never been accused of such behavior. However, people I know who have questionable behavior around women always seem to repeat their behavior in all settings—a lot think their being funny, in reality they are acting like assholes. Look at bad cops, a vast majority of the complaints for abusive behavior in a police department are charged one particular cop—a bad seed.

If Bill O'Reilly turns out to be the bad seed, he should be dealt with accordingly. The facts of the case contain recorded telephone conversations with O'Reilly masturbating on the telephone. If they also contain statements from the victim which repeatedly ask O'Reilly to stop this behavior then I think he is a harasser. Keep in mind O’Reilly is her boss. I would immediately stop watching his show because his values are contrary to what I believe constitute a fair and balanced society.



Anonymous said…
yeah, i *used* to watch the oreilly factor until the sexual harrassment suit came out in the press and then I went to thesmokinggun.com and read all the legal documents and all the disgusting details.

I think oreilly is PHENOMENALLY STUPID because he's married and she's an employee he should have assumed when she told him it was sexual harrassment that maybe she was recording his phone sex attempts so she could prove her lawsuit when she filed it and then when she does tell him it's harrassment he threatens her and he continues to call her up on the telephone over and over to share his sexual fantasies about what he wants to do to her and all the things he learned in the backrooms of thai brothels etc. His wife is probably lying awake at night thinking about how she'd divorce him except they have a 1 year old child and a 5 year old child and so it makes him EVEN SLEAZIER
And he still goes on other shows to try and push his book on morality for children, HYPOCRITE.
I think his wife should file for divorce with this sleazy scandal as the grounds for it and take the other half of Oreillys money.
Anonymous said…
It will be very interesting how this plays out. The details revealed to date aren't enough for me to *not* watch his show. I find it interesting
that someone who claims sexual harassment leaves a job that she is being harassed at, only to return later. Regardless, to be fair and balanced, I will wait to hear how this plays out.

ALTHOUGH..., I will agree that given O'Reilly's posturing on a daily basis of 'looking out for you' this would be an incredibly STUPID and EGOTISTICAL move on his part. Reminiscent of Kobe...
Alas, only time will tell... as an O'Reilly fan, I hope these allegations are unfounded.

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