Top Ten Reasons to Vote for Kerry

by Bob Clasen

10. You look forward to seeing Kerry groveling before the French and Germans.

9. You prefer trees and animals to human beings.

8. You believe that driving an SUV should be a felony.

7. You want to pay more taxes.

6. You think our economy is overheating and needs to cool down to match European stagnation.

5. You think the best way to deal with national defense is to turn it over to the U.N.

4. You are angry at Bush for not getting his fair share of the Oil for Food bribery money from Saddam.

3. You support the movement to make French the national language.

2. You want your medical care to be taken over by the same people who brought you the US Postal Service and the Department of Motor Vehicles.

1. You miss the good old days when Dan Rather was kissing Saddam Hussein's ass on Sixty Minutes.


(with apologies to Dave Letterman by Bob)



Bob Cat said…
Don't blame Letterman for these.
I wrote them myself.
Anonymous said…
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
08:47 PM
will these still be funny when kerry wins
and what's with that presidential spittle
Bob Cat said…
Bob replies: If Kerry wins, the joke will be on all of us.

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