Why is Dick Morris Voting Republican?
by Bob Clasen
I heard Dick Morris touting his new book "Because He Could" on the radio today. Morris had a key role in helping Clinton get elected during his many famous campaigns. Morris certainly qualifies as an insider in the Clinton administration and he still supports Clinton's domestic agenda and accomplishments.
However, Dick indicates that he is voting for Bush because he feels Bush is better qualified to fight the war on terror. What changed Dick Morris's mind was 9/11. He feels that the war against the terrorists is the most important issue for the 2004 campaign. So even though he prefers Kerry's social policy, he will vote for Bush.
Morris believes that Kerry has the same problem that Clinton had: he cannot make difficult decisions that would risk losing world approval. Morris writes at length about three separate opportunities where Clinton had the chance to take out Osama Bin Laden in different ways. With each opportunity, Clinton vetoed even trying because he was worried about upsetting some interest group, sometimes foreign, sometimes domestic. If Clinton had the courage to act in the face of some disapproval, it is probable that 9/11 would not have occurred and Morris feels Clinton must bear responsibility for his failure to act.
Morris sees the same weakness and vacillation in Kerry and that is why he is voting for Bush.
I heard Dick Morris touting his new book "Because He Could" on the radio today. Morris had a key role in helping Clinton get elected during his many famous campaigns. Morris certainly qualifies as an insider in the Clinton administration and he still supports Clinton's domestic agenda and accomplishments.
However, Dick indicates that he is voting for Bush because he feels Bush is better qualified to fight the war on terror. What changed Dick Morris's mind was 9/11. He feels that the war against the terrorists is the most important issue for the 2004 campaign. So even though he prefers Kerry's social policy, he will vote for Bush.
Morris believes that Kerry has the same problem that Clinton had: he cannot make difficult decisions that would risk losing world approval. Morris writes at length about three separate opportunities where Clinton had the chance to take out Osama Bin Laden in different ways. With each opportunity, Clinton vetoed even trying because he was worried about upsetting some interest group, sometimes foreign, sometimes domestic. If Clinton had the courage to act in the face of some disapproval, it is probable that 9/11 would not have occurred and Morris feels Clinton must bear responsibility for his failure to act.
Morris sees the same weakness and vacillation in Kerry and that is why he is voting for Bush.
Morris is a devious homunculus whore.
Nothing he says is not intended to make buck.
Bob responds in kind:
Kerry is an archetypal bad politician who hill say or do anything to win. In slandering his fellow veterans after the Vietnam War and meeting with the leaders of the enemy in Paris, he acted like a traitor. He is incapable of fighting for any principle, since at his core, he believes in nothing. He does not have the principles to fight Islamic Fundamentalists nor tyrants and dictators all over the world.
In short, Kerry is an intelligent weasel without a soul.