Early Stuff

Keep in Mind Liberal bias

Early turnout reports from CNN
by Jerome Armstrong

Here are some early reports on turnout:

Ohio - African American precincts are performing at 106% what we expected, based on historical numbers. Hispanic precincts are at 144% what we expected. Precincts that went for Gore are turning out 8% higher then those that went Bush in 2000. Democratic base precincts are performing 15% higher than GOP base precincts.

Florida - Dem base precincts are performing 14% better than Bush base precincts. In precincts that went for Gore, they are doing 6% better than those that went for Bush. African American precincts at 109%, Hispanic precincts at 106%.

Pennsylvania - African American precincts at 102% of expectations, Hispanics at 136% of expectations. The Gore precincts are doing 4 percent better than bush precincts.

Michigan- Democratic base precincts are 8% better than GOP base states. Gore precincts are 5% better than Bush.

Early VNS exit polling
by Jerome Armstrong

Here is some of the early VNS data, fwiw:

Kerry 45 48 42 60 52 51 51 50 58 52 49 57
Bush 55 51 57 40 48 48 47 48 40 43 49 41
Now, mind that these are early numbers. And even if correct, they reflect the ones most wanting to vote, and it's still a long way to go... but wow, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire & Minnesota voters can't wait to boot Bush!

Republicans challenging Democracy in Ohio, update
by Jerome Armstrong

As exptected, the GOP tools at the 6th Circuit reverses lower court the ban of challengers from inside the polling booth in Ohio.
The Ohio Supreme Court ruling yesterday is now apparently in place.
At 5:29 AM Stevens let the 6th ruling stand. But also, another fresh Ohio ruling early in the morning, challengers will not be permitted to use a list of 23,000 registered voters to challenge people at Ohio polls because it unfairly targets minority voters. Republicans are appealing this at the moment. That seems to be where it stands.
Walmart's Election Mask Slips
by Matt Stoller

It seems like everyone these days, from Clear Channel to Sinclair, is outing themselves as a reactionary Republican. Why not Walmart? Indeed, why not? A PAC is one thing. It's a really really really big PAC, but at least it's not officially connected to the company. But maybe I'm too cynical. I mean, broadcasting Fox News throughout all their stores on election day is just another high quality service they provide to the communities they serve, right?
Right. Very right. (via Shaula Evans)


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