Fighting Evil

by Bob Clasen

The terrorists and anti-democratic forces in Fallujah are about to be crushed, together with the remaining opposition forces.

Free elections remain on the near horizon in Iraq, just as they were successfully held a short time ago in Afghanistan.

Terrorists in North Korea and Iran must look on the re-election of George Bush with a new kind of terror -- their own. As well they should. If North Korea refuses to take part in the six country negotiations, Bush is not going to follow the lead of Clinton and pay blackmail to North Korea to enable it to continue its illegal development of nuclear weapons in secret.

Iran is not going to be permitted to develop the capacity to create nuclear weapons, as would undoubtedly be the case if the U.N. is allowed to decide the issue, as Kerry wanted.

The continued necessary internal security created by the Patriot Act is not going to be sabotaged by people who worry more about the civil liberties of terrorists than they do the lives of Americans.

If Democrats are to ever win the hearts and minds of the majority of Americans, they must prove themselves willing to defend their own country and the principles upon which it was founded, and not side with the enemy in time of war. There was a "peace" protest yesterday in Los Angeles demanding that Bush stop the assault on Fallujah. What is the reasoning? We must stop trying to defeat those who are murdering our soldiers , who are planting car bombs and killing their fellow Iraqis in the name of a return to a Baathists style government? Whose side are these peace protestors on? Whose side are the Democrats on? Peace at any price? Surrender to the forces of Fascists government or the type of Islam that cuts dissenters heads off?

It is one thing to be secular. Secularists bristle at the accusation that they have no moral principles. But Democrat secularists lean towards pacifism. The "war only as a last resort" argument practically means no war is moral. There is always some kind of appeasement that can precede war. If an intellectual movement does not have the backbone to believe in the moral right to defend oneself, it will not survive. If Democrats do not believe in democracy enough to fight for it, they do not deserve the name of their party. Perhaps at the next meeting of the Democrat party they should change their name to "World Socialist Peace Party."

Radical Islamicists are certainly willing to fight and die in order to impose by force their concept of civilization on the world.

Republicans respond to this use of force by force, as they have the perfect right to do.

When Osama Bin Laden, on behalf of a world-wide coalition of Islamic fanatics, bombed the World Trade Center, he declared war on America. Republicans fought back.

Democrats would respond by means of toothless U.N. resolutions, international peace conferences and increased funding for fire departments to be able to more quickly clean up the rubble after the next attack.

That is the real reason Bush won. Bush stands for the basic principle of self-defense. Not the principle of gay bashing, as Democrats would argue. The principle that a country has the right to defend itself when attacked. The principle that democracy is superior to slavery; that freedom is better than theocracy; that people or countries or religions who allege the right to enslave others thereby lose their moral legitimacy. The moral response to a criminal is to arrest him or kill him to make the world safe for people who respect the right to be free from the use of force.

If you will not fight evil in the name of good, evil will win.

Democrat secularists claim that they do have moral principles, but then they scoff at people who talk of good and evil. How can you have principles if you scoff at the concept of good and evil? I will give you a simple black and white example of good and evil:

If a murderer takes up a sword to cut off your head, that is evil.

If you kill him first, that is good.

And you don't give up the fight because fighting is dangerous, or because you experience some casualties. You perservere until you win because you know that your cause is just. That is, if you believe in good and evil.

If everything is a gray moral sludge, then nothing is worth fighting for and all who talk of good and evil are idiots like George Bush, people with the intelligence of a chimpanzee. Nothing is worth dying for. Life is a a meaningless joke. People who believe in good and evil are dolts and simpletons.

Republicans and Democrats?



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