Should Kerry Concede?

by Bob Clasen

Kerry should not follow the bad example of Poor Sport Gore and delay conceding until the last possible moment. He would come across much more as a statesman if he would actually behave graciously.

Are Democrats going to whine for the next four years as they did the last four years that Bush "stole" the election? I hope not.

Why is every close state that Kerry won "called" for Kerry but many of the states that Bush is narrowly ahead in "too close to call" even with 99% of the vote counted? More media bias. Bush is ahead by 138,000 votes in Ohio, by 14,000 votes in the small state of Iowa, by 12,000 votes in New Mexico, etc.

It's over. Get over it. I am sure that Osama Bin Laden, Kim Jung Il and the Ayotollah of Iran are disappointed that Bush won.



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