Another Disaster Unfulfilled
by Bob Clasen
Experts such as Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy and French President Jack Chirac and most European Intellectuals and the Mainstream American Media know that Iraq is an unmitigated disaster and that Islam is fundamentally inconsistent with democracy. [This is a rather alarming truth for parts of Europe such as France and Holland and Belgium where the Islamic population is sky rocketing and projected to be a majority in a relatively short time]. Everyone knows these obvious truths except that dunce Bush and his uneducated right wing fanatic followers. His biggest problem is that he will not listen to experts and refuses to admit when he is wrong, even when he is given opportunity after opportunity to do so by the patient and courageous press.
Just as everyone knew you couldn't win a land war in Afghanistan, that a democratic election in Afghanistan was doomed from the start to deteriorate into permanent civil war between the warlords, that an invasion of Iraq could cost 100 to 200 thousand troops.
The odd thing is that the ignorant and uneducated people of Afghanistan and the fanatical People of Iraq don't seem to understand these obvious truths and even seem to enjoy voting.
I am sure that the “experts” will all be on television tonight explaining that one election does not make a democracy and the Bush plan remains doomed and that Iraq is going to collapse any minute now into a civil war and chaos. All the best experts will agree. And Bush probably will refuse to admit he is wrong again.
Another interesting bit of trivia: the Iraq economy, per the International Monetary Fund, is already outperforming all of its Arab neighbors (which is not to say it is doing all that well, yet). What happens in a few years if Democratic, free market Iraq, ally of the United States, is economically crushing the pathetic economic performance of its Arab competition: the various dictators and Mullahs in the region? (not a very difficult task) Which model are the young people of the Mideast going to want to emulate: Freedom or Slavery? No wonder that the Mid East dictators feel that the Iraq war is "destabilizing." Such destabilization seems like a good thing to me. But what do I know? I am one of those dimwits who voted for Bush.
Experts such as Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy and French President Jack Chirac and most European Intellectuals and the Mainstream American Media know that Iraq is an unmitigated disaster and that Islam is fundamentally inconsistent with democracy. [This is a rather alarming truth for parts of Europe such as France and Holland and Belgium where the Islamic population is sky rocketing and projected to be a majority in a relatively short time]. Everyone knows these obvious truths except that dunce Bush and his uneducated right wing fanatic followers. His biggest problem is that he will not listen to experts and refuses to admit when he is wrong, even when he is given opportunity after opportunity to do so by the patient and courageous press.
Just as everyone knew you couldn't win a land war in Afghanistan, that a democratic election in Afghanistan was doomed from the start to deteriorate into permanent civil war between the warlords, that an invasion of Iraq could cost 100 to 200 thousand troops.
The odd thing is that the ignorant and uneducated people of Afghanistan and the fanatical People of Iraq don't seem to understand these obvious truths and even seem to enjoy voting.
I am sure that the “experts” will all be on television tonight explaining that one election does not make a democracy and the Bush plan remains doomed and that Iraq is going to collapse any minute now into a civil war and chaos. All the best experts will agree. And Bush probably will refuse to admit he is wrong again.
Another interesting bit of trivia: the Iraq economy, per the International Monetary Fund, is already outperforming all of its Arab neighbors (which is not to say it is doing all that well, yet). What happens in a few years if Democratic, free market Iraq, ally of the United States, is economically crushing the pathetic economic performance of its Arab competition: the various dictators and Mullahs in the region? (not a very difficult task) Which model are the young people of the Mideast going to want to emulate: Freedom or Slavery? No wonder that the Mid East dictators feel that the Iraq war is "destabilizing." Such destabilization seems like a good thing to me. But what do I know? I am one of those dimwits who voted for Bush.
As usual you are listening to too much talk radio, and not acutally listening to the full content of the speeches and commentary that form the basis of you "Another Disaster Unfulfilled".
First, most Americans including us liberals hope that Bush pulls this off....i.e. democracy taking root in Iraq. But as you bloviate over Bush's successes, just remember "Mission Accomplished".
I hope you don't think it is our mission to use force against North Korea to bring about a unified the NeoCons have proposed.