Charity News

posted by Bob Clasen

German brothel donates money for tsunami relief
12 January 2005

BERLIN: A German brothel owner has been so moved by the plight of survivors from Asia's tsunami disaster that she is donating part of her takings from clients.

"It's not every day you can make a charitable gesture by going to a brothel," said Mercedes Mueller, who is giving 5 euros ($NZ9.57) of the 39-euro entrance charge clients pay.

"It's so terrible what happened there and I wanted to do something," said Mueller, who owns the Happy FKK Club in the western city of Dortmund.

Mueller said clients, prostitutes and the public had all responded with great enthusiasm to her gesture, and that about 1300 euros had been raised so far.

"We have as much of a right to raise money as any other business," she said. "We all have a heart too. I hope it will serve as an example to others."


J.D. Kessler said…
If I go to Berlin personally to make the donation, can I deduct on my US tax?

by the way, I believe a Bush tax relief bill allows Jan 2005 donations to US relief organizations to be deducted in 2004!! Check it out.

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