Democracy Un-Islamic?
Al-Zarqawi tape calls for election violence (posted by Bob Clasen)
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Jan. 23 (UPI) -- An voice claiming to be militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi calls on Sunni Muslims to fight against Iraq's election.
"We have declared a bitter war against the principle of democracy and all those who seek to enact it," the speaker says in a message broadcast via an Islamist Web site. "We have declared a bitter war against the principle of democracy and all those who seek to enact it."
The speaker attacked democracy as a springboard for "un-Islamic" practices and said majority rule violated the principle that all laws must come from a divine source, the BBC reported Sunday.
"Candidates in elections are seeking to become demi-gods, while those who vote for them are infidels," the tape said.
Meanwhile, Iraqi interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi told the BBC's "Breakfast with Frost" program he believes the Jan. 30 election will eventually quell violence in Iraq, although insurgent attacks are likely to continue in the short term.
Bob Comments:
Democracy is not un-Islamic, it is simply contrary to the wish of Abu al-Zarqaqi. He wants to replace Saddam Hussein as the strong man of Iraq. I doubt that the majority of Iraqis want to substitute Zarqaqi for Hussein. That would hardly constitute progress.
Zarqawi is a beast and must be killed. It is not moslems who oppose democracy, it is dictators and thugs like Zarqawi.
Democrats like to talk about the root causes of terrorism. Bush has suggested one theory of the root cause: non democratic governments that oppress their own people and need a scapegoat to blame for the misery of their people. Why are Democrats so lukewarm about Democracy? Perhaps it is time to change the party name.
Bombing cities is not enough to defeat terrorism. Democracy must be supported and spread. We can no longer afford to make dirty deals with monsters for short term pragmatic reasons. Terrorism and technology have ruled out this option.
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Jan. 23 (UPI) -- An voice claiming to be militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi calls on Sunni Muslims to fight against Iraq's election.
"We have declared a bitter war against the principle of democracy and all those who seek to enact it," the speaker says in a message broadcast via an Islamist Web site. "We have declared a bitter war against the principle of democracy and all those who seek to enact it."
The speaker attacked democracy as a springboard for "un-Islamic" practices and said majority rule violated the principle that all laws must come from a divine source, the BBC reported Sunday.
"Candidates in elections are seeking to become demi-gods, while those who vote for them are infidels," the tape said.
Meanwhile, Iraqi interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi told the BBC's "Breakfast with Frost" program he believes the Jan. 30 election will eventually quell violence in Iraq, although insurgent attacks are likely to continue in the short term.
Bob Comments:
Democracy is not un-Islamic, it is simply contrary to the wish of Abu al-Zarqaqi. He wants to replace Saddam Hussein as the strong man of Iraq. I doubt that the majority of Iraqis want to substitute Zarqaqi for Hussein. That would hardly constitute progress.
Zarqawi is a beast and must be killed. It is not moslems who oppose democracy, it is dictators and thugs like Zarqawi.
Democrats like to talk about the root causes of terrorism. Bush has suggested one theory of the root cause: non democratic governments that oppress their own people and need a scapegoat to blame for the misery of their people. Why are Democrats so lukewarm about Democracy? Perhaps it is time to change the party name.
Bombing cities is not enough to defeat terrorism. Democracy must be supported and spread. We can no longer afford to make dirty deals with monsters for short term pragmatic reasons. Terrorism and technology have ruled out this option.
Apparently there is a good sign that some Shiite leaders are calling for a secular government.