Post Iraq Election

by Bob Clasen

Isn't it interesting that in the 22 state Arab League, not one state is democratic? Now, the only democratically elected government is going to be courtesy of the infidel Americans.

I wonder what the Arab people think when they watch images of the jubilant Iraqis voting and compare these images with what their Arab mainstream media has been telling them? Of course, with all media government controlled, there is not going to be any pro American coverage, but facts speak for themselves. The Lebanese and Egyptians and Saudi Arabians are going to wonder why they don't get to vote? Iraq provides a living challenge to the Arabs beyond fundamentalist terrorist suicide frustration.

I heard many liberal experts saying that Iraq continues to teeter on the brink of civil war, but I have been amazed at the patience and discipline and moderation of the Shia and Kurdish parties. Kennedy keeps going on about how Iraq is a new Vietnam and a quagmire, but it seems to me that we are making steady progress. The Democrats would be better off if they crossed this word (quagmire) out of their dictionary. It has hypnotized them and blinded them from seeing the facts. When Iraq gets a self chosen government that will significantly distinguish it from the puppet government America set up in Vietnam. It does reaffirm my faith that people are people and that what is good for the people of America is good for people everywhere. Arabs are not some unique subspecies that loves slavery. Give them a chance, and they will choose freedom just as any human being would.

I also continue to observe that the Democrats continue in their role of Pessimists and Predictors of Doom. Instead of celebrating the Iraq success, Democrats continue to be Gloomy Guses pointing out the dark cloud within every silver lining. Aside from anything else, this seems like bad politics. Americans are optimists, not pessimists. The French are supposed to be the worldly wise cynics. Democrats would be better off if they had some positive suggestions on how to help in Iraq, rather than a series of worries, doubts and portents of doom. Everyone knows people who can always point out the dangers and risks of every single thing you do. (They are called lawyers) But how popular are such people? Optimism, even foolish optimism, is a far more endearing characteristic.

As for North Korea, some suggest that the Great Leader has outlived his usefulness. The immediate problem is that he has both nukes and missiles. The Clinton Carter treaty was an unmitigated disaster for the simple reason that Kim completely ignored his treaty obligations, took our money and built his nuclear program. Making a treaty with a psychopathic sociopath is not a wise choice. He is a monster. If we have a chance, we should take him out. Making more treaties with him is absurd.
I don't think we have the resources for a full scale war now: we are rather busy. Korea is the more immediate problem of the South Koreans, the Japanese and the Chinese, his neighbors. They need to take care of this problem. If the Chinese took him out, I would not object.


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