Which Party is Reactionary Now?

by Bob Clasen

Watching the state of contemporary American politics, it strikes me that Democrats have become conservative and reactionary and Republicans progressive and creative.

Republicans propose to fight terrorism by encouraging democracy world wide and by striking directly at terrorist sponsors, wherever they may be found. Democrats resist on the grounds that we have "always" made deals with corrupt tyrannies. Why should we change now? They resist every suggestion, point out every possibility of failure, drag their heals and have nothing positive to offer except to hire more police and firemen to clean up the next attack faster. The Republicans want to play offense, the Democrats defense. But the best defense is a good offense and it is better to fight terrorism in Iraq than in New York.

Republicans propose to modernize and improve the 70 year old Social Security system and Democrats say "No! Never! Over our dead bodies! On the grounds that Social Security is sacred and cannot be changed to adjust to different conditions (increasing lifespan; retiring boomers). People are too stupid to have control over 15% of their social security. The stock market is too dangerous for "Joe Sixpack" to fool with; only lawyers and politicians are smart enough to figure out that mutual funds return more money than government bonds.

Who proposed Welfare Reform?

Who got us out of the economice malaise of "stagflation" by drastically revising the average tax rates and promoting an economic boom?

Who built up the defense and brought down the Soviet empire into bankruptcy?

Hint: it wasn't the Democrats.

Can you think of one new idea the Democrats have today? Raises taxes on the rich? This is a new idea? What else? Socialism? Socialism has failed to promote prosperity in every country it has been tried in. Punishing the most productive members of society by punitive taxes is not a formula for encouraging the production of wealth. The government ownership of the means of production creates state monopolies which have no incentive for efficieny. Competition is ruthless but it does eliminate incompetence and inefficiency.

Pacifism? Turn the other cheek? Not a new idea. Nor has it ever brought down a single ruthless dictator. Remember how Hitler and Stalin dealt with pacifists. (swift death).

Who is the progressive, idealistic party of ideas and who is the conservative party holding onto the sacred past (The New Deal) and resisting every suggestion for change and improvement?



J.D. Kessler said…

This is too incindiary to get a quick answer back to you. However, do you feel a great need to feel "justified" or "right".

Both political parties are corrupt as hell. Is running up a hugh deficeit to subsidize a tax cut go policy. Have the Bush tax cuts borne fruit?

Private accounts will help the young, but the poison isn't being discussed....fixing the system for us old geezers.

More when I can give you some real answers.

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