
Let's hope Terri Schiavo has gone to a better place.

And let's hope the grandstanding politicians, clergy, and newsmedia don't turn this into an attack on the courts and Michael Schiavo for as long as they can get traction on this story, but rather look at what is an appropriate state "surrogate law".

Who should make health care decisions for a person who has not written advance health care directive?

What if there is a family dispute? Does some relative have priority, and if there is a dispute, how is this to be resolved?

What is extraordinary medical treatment?

Should the state keep every "living" person alive no matter how expensive, no matter how hopeless?

This should be decided by state legislatures, not the assholes in Washington. The polls seem to indicate that this is not something that should be decided in the heat of a polical circus.


Anonymous said…
Thursday, April 07, 2005
09:54 PM
internet abuse

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