Freedom of the Press Abandoned?

NY Press Kills Cartoons; Staff Walks Out
FILE UNDER: Newspapers
The editorial staff of the alternative weekly New York Press walked out today, en masse, after the paper's publishers backed down from printing the Danish cartoons that have become the center of a global free-speech fight.

Editor-in-Chief Harry Siegel emails, on behalf of the editorial staff:

New York Press, like so many other publications, has suborned its own professed principles. For all the talk of freedom of speech, only the New York Sun locally and two other papers nationally have mustered the
minimal courage needed to print simple and not especially offensive editorial cartoons that have been used as a pretext for great and greatly menacing violence directed against journalists, cartoonists, humanitarian aid workers, diplomats and others who represent the basic values and obligations of Western civilization. Having been ordered at the 11th hour to pull the now-infamous Danish cartoons from an issue dedicated to them, the editorial group—consisting of myself, managing editor Tim Marchman, arts editorJonathan Leaf and one-man city hall bureau Azi Paybarah, chose instead to resign our positions.

We have no desire to be free speech martyrs, but it would have been nakedly hypocritical to avoid the same cartoons we'd criticized others for not running, cartoons that however absurdly have inspired arson, kidnapping and murder and forced cartoonists in at least two continents to go into hiding. Editors have already been forced to leave papers in Jordan and France for having run these cartoons. We have no illusions about the power of the Press (NY Press, we mean), but even on the far margins of the world-historical stage, we are not willing to side with the enemies of the values we hold dear, a free press not least among them.

This was not an easy decision. I've been reading the Press since 1988 and have dreamed of running it for nearly as long. The paper's editorial staff has worked impossibly hard hours and has come quite a ways in only a few months towards restoring the paper's tarnished editorial reputation and credibility. I'm proud of the work we've
done, and wish we'd had time to finish the job. I wish the Press all the best, and hope that under new ownership and leadership it can again be an invaluable read for all good Gothamites.

Posted by Ben on February 7, 2006 07:51 PM | Permalink


J.D. Kessler said…
Some how the east and west need to dialogue on this meaning of the humor, satire, blasphemy, religion and freedom of speach.

One could say "They can't take a joke". Another could say "if you poke a stick in a beehive who do you blame if you get stung".

A high profile newspaper should be free to make what ever business decision they think is in the best interest of the paper and its owners.

Principles must give way to business decisions.
Bob Cat said…
Principles must give way to business decisions?

I would think that mere business decisions should give way to principles.
J.D. Kessler said…
I don't get it. Let's look at the so-called attack on Christmas.

Your saying that even if it might cost your business thousands of dollars, let alone get some one killed, you would put principles above a business decision. This is very noble, but Bob...your a lawyer and nothing is that black or white in your business.

Is Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas such a compromise of principles that you would not take sales into consideration when planning your Xmas season. After all, Xmas is commerical and has literally nothing to do with anything in the New Testament.
Bob Cat said…
The dispute about saying "Merry Christmas" as opposed to "Happy Holidays" is not very important. I personally do not think that drawing a cartoon image of Mohammad is very important either. I am grateful that American secularists like the ACLU do not threaten to cut off your head for saying "Merry Christmas." ;-)

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