Islamic Justice

I am trying to understand the Islamic frame of mind. If several persons in Denmark publish a cartoon about Mohammad that Muslims find offensive, this means that Muslims all over the world are justified in rioting and random acts of violence: burning down embassies and assaulting and murdering people who had nothing to do with creating or publishing the offensive cartoon. Their only crime is that they are non Moslems; Christians, Jews and secular non believers. This is a very interesting notion of justice, don't you think?

So if one western person does something wrong, all western persons are therefore "open season?" Groups are held responsible collectively for the sins of any one member. I have heard of this sort of "justice" being carried out in Iraq. For example, if one person betrayed Saddam Hussein, the Republican Guard would seek out and exterminate all the members of the family of the miscreant, even though none of them had actually broken any law, as a sort of warning to any other persons who would be tempted to betray Saddam. Is this concept what passes for justice in Islam? The idea is that the end of upholding Mohammad's honor justifies any sort of means: killing and terrorizing innocent persons as a deterrent to ever violating the sacred person of Mohammad?

I am just trying to understand others. I am not suggesting any course of action. But in deciding what is a reasonable or prudent course of action, I would suggest that it is useful to understand the mind set of those you are dealing with.


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