
Bob Clasen writing:

So-called compassionate conservatives have supported thousands of dubious new programs including corporate welfare, national education programs, and tons of "earmarked" pork barrel progams such as Trent Lott's railroad to nowhere, the biggest increase in entitlement spending since 1965 (Prescription Drugs) driving the national debt to new heights. In other words, Republicans have done just what Democrats would have done in office. Furthermore, the Republicans have continued a policy of essentially open borders. This has resulted in allowing Mexico to export its poverty to the United States, with resulting huge increases in costs to taxpayers for education and medical care, especially in California and Texas.

So what is a libertarian minded Republican to do, if he wants to support a program of controlling the ballooning size of government? I tell you one thing. He is not sending money to the current national party. This is why Bush's poll numbers are so low; he has lost the support of his own party.

This might bode well for the Democrats but for one thing. The Democrats would do worse and their national leadership seems intellectually bankrupt to me. Nancy Pelosi as the House Majority leader? Robert Byrd as head of Senate Appropriations? John Conyers as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee? Pleasssse.

Politics is a barren landscape at the present time controlled by lobbyists and the politics of fund raising.


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