Time To Run

Bob Clasen writing . . .

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the crazed President of Iran, has declared that Israel must be destroyed. Less attention has been paid to Iranian leaders' pronouncements on exactly how Israel would be destroyed ``by a single storm,'' as Ahmadinejad has promised. Iran is steadily moving forward to obtaining nuclear weapons with the enthusiastic support of the Iranian people. To my intuition, Jews in Israel are looking more and more like Jews in Europe in the 1930s, with a fateful dark cloud hanging over their future.

World leaders make pompous proclamations but do nothing, as usual. What can be done with respect to a suicidal culture of death like Islam, willing to sacrifice millions of its own people to wreak revenge against its most hated enemy?

If I was a Jew in Israel, I would take my family and emigrate to the United States. The fact that Israel can retaliate with nuclear weapons just before it is destroyed by a couple nuclear bombs will be of no consolation to the nearly 6 million Jews who will become the newest victims of virulent anti-semitism in its latest incarnation.


J.D. Kessler said…

I wasn't paying attention, but didn't the Iranian military come out and say that attacking Israel in relation for US action was not in their stragegy
Bob Cat said…
Interesting article http://www.aijac.org.au/review/2006/31-5/ahmadinejad31-5.html

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