Imaginary Playmates
by Bob Clasen
If I was an Israeli, I would move to the U.S. Is it not inevitable that when Moslems finally get nuclear weapons, someone will lob a few into Israel, just as Hezbollah is currently lobbing primitive missiles with no regard to the consequences? In this not to distant future, the Mid-east will become a vast plain of radioactive glass as Israel responds in its usual disproportionate way to attack.
How can a rational treaty be reached between two parties when the primary motivations are not rational self interest, but religous ideas such as "Holy Land" "Jihad" " and theological disputes about the presumed wishes of God.
Religous war is a fight to the death over who has the best imaginary playmate.
In the long run, the best hope for the West in its world conflict with Islamic fundamentalism is that the oil will run out. What other wealth has Islamic fundamentalism produced in the past 300 years? At that time, the primitive ideas that underly Islam will drag these same countries back into the poverty and obscurity of the pre-enlightenment dark ages. Perhaps Moslems, when faced with starvation, will be open to alternatives to religious fundamentalism.
If I was an Israeli, I would move to the U.S. Is it not inevitable that when Moslems finally get nuclear weapons, someone will lob a few into Israel, just as Hezbollah is currently lobbing primitive missiles with no regard to the consequences? In this not to distant future, the Mid-east will become a vast plain of radioactive glass as Israel responds in its usual disproportionate way to attack.
How can a rational treaty be reached between two parties when the primary motivations are not rational self interest, but religous ideas such as "Holy Land" "Jihad" " and theological disputes about the presumed wishes of God.
Religous war is a fight to the death over who has the best imaginary playmate.
In the long run, the best hope for the West in its world conflict with Islamic fundamentalism is that the oil will run out. What other wealth has Islamic fundamentalism produced in the past 300 years? At that time, the primitive ideas that underly Islam will drag these same countries back into the poverty and obscurity of the pre-enlightenment dark ages. Perhaps Moslems, when faced with starvation, will be open to alternatives to religious fundamentalism.