World War III?

So Who is radical Islam at war with? Israel? America? The West? Anything that is not radically Islamic? Do the Mullahs in Iran have any desire to live at peace with Israel? With the West?

Here is one man's point of view.

While there are moderate Moslems out there, they do not seem to be running Iran right now, or have anything to do with Hezbollah.



J.D. Kessler said…

All the right wingers seem to thing that a global war on Islam is the only solution.

And, since Iran may get the bomb, we had better strike now.

They portray any one who suggests any diplomatic solution to the middle east crisis of to day as a Chamberlin.

This seems to me to be childish and based upon a very simplistic view of our capabilities. We can drop bombs, but we cannot, without a hugh sacrafice, engage in ground wars throughout the middle east.

Only a collition like the first Gulf War would make this feasible. And we had better get the Saudis, Egypt, Jordan and other states on board or we may be looking a $300 per barrel oil.
Bob Cat said…
bob replies . . .

I think that some "right wingers" believe that the PROBLEM is that fundamentalist Islam, has declared war on the West already, and does not seem interested in diplomacy, except as part of an "Art of War" type strategy. Frighteningly, Iran seems to be in that category. So does Hezbollah. I don't think that anyone suggests that another Iraqi style invasion is the answer.
The worship of a god who rejoices at terrorism and commands jihad (holy war) is the root of the problem. A warrior religion combined with a culture that praises suicide military attacks on civilians is a rather frightening prospect to some "right wingers." Do you find this to all be much ado about nothing? Nothing to really get upset about?

Do you really think that like the head of North Korea, or Iran, or Hezbollah? Do they feel any urge to keep their promises, or to tell the truth to us (Infidel/enemy)?

An in-pro-per plaintiff in one of our cases actually cited verses from the Koran in a brief he filed with the court (in his somewhat garbled English) that exculpated Moslems for any lies they tell to the infidel. If this is the belief of Moslems, how does this affect the reliability of diplomatic agreements to resolve conflicts with Islamic fundamentalists?

Also I find it discouraging, when I have seen interviews with ordinary Arabs on television and they all seem to feel Hezbollah is to be praised for sending rockets into Israel and thus "standing up to Israel." Where are the moderate Moslems from the religion of peace?

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