Militant Islamicists Protest Swimsuit Contests

A MILITANT Islamic group has filed a police report against Indonesia's Miss Universe candidate, accusing her of indecency.

Nadine Chandrawinata's participation in the contest and display of her body in a swimsuit "is actually insulting for Indonesian dignity and women", Islamic Defenders Front lawyer Sugito said yesterday.

Ms Chandrawinata did not make it to the competition's final in Los Angeles on Sunday, which was won by Miss Puerto Rico, but she had drawn heavy media coverage in Indonesia.

Mr Sugito said the Islamic Defenders Front had also filed complaints against four people involved in sponsoring and organising Ms Chandrawinata's participation.

Under Indonesian law, police would have to investigate whether there was sufficient evidence for a case under the complaint, and if so, turn their findings over to prosecutors for a decision on whether it merited going to court.

The offences carried potential sentences ranging from two to six years in jail, Mr Sugito said. The posing requirements of the competition offended the standards not just of Islam but of other religions, he said.

A government decree against participation in beauty contests issued when strongman Suharto was president is still technically in effect in Indonesia, although in practice it has been disregarded since he lost power in 1998.

About 85 per cent of Indonesia's 220 million people follow Islam, making it the world's most populous Muslim country.

Although most Indonesian Muslims are considered relatively moderate and the Government is officially secular, hardline groups are becoming increasingly vocal and visible.

The result has been a tug-of-war in Indonesian politics over the extent to which religious values should be reflected in the law.

The Islamic Defenders Front has filed complaints with the police on other issues previously. Critics say it encourages such vigilante tactics as attacking bars selling alcohol during the Muslim fasting period.

An April protest organised by the group against the Indonesian edition of Playboy magazine was marked by rock throwing and vandalism.


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