Moslems in England

7/7 bombings 'justified' say a quarter of British Muslims

So what percentage of the Religion of Peace support terrorism?


Almost a quarter of British Muslims say the 7/7 bombings can be justified because of the Government's support for the war on terror, according to an opinion poll.

And nearly half of those polled, or 45%, believe the 9/11 attacks on New York were a conspiracy between the US and Israel.

The survey, for a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary to be screened tonight, found Muslims under the age of 24 were twice as likely to justify the 7/7 attacks as those aged over 45.

It found 24% across all age groups either agreed or tended to agree that the 7/7 bombings were justified, although 48% said they "strongly disagreed" and 17% said they did not know.

The figures are significantly higher than those from a poll last month, in which 7% thought suicide attacks on civilians in the UK could be justified in some circumstances - rising to 16% if they were aimed at a military target.

Almost four in 10 surveyed for the Channel 4 poll believe another attack will be launched in the UK by British-born Muslim terrorists.

A third of those questioned said they would rather live under Sharia law in the UK than British law.

The survey also reveals concerns among Muslims about Britain's moral standards, with 40% saying it is a country of bad moral behaviour, and 66% saying parents allow their children too much freedom.

Half said that police stop and search too many Muslims and 44% said they would rather send their children to a Muslim school.

The poll was released just before Britain's most senior Asian police officer was expected to warn that anti-terror laws discriminate against Muslims and could "criminalise" ethnic minorities.

It was reported today that Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner Tarique Ghaffur will call for an independent judicial review to investigate what caused the "anger and resentment" of young British Muslims that lay behind the July 7 bombings in London.

Dispatches: What Muslims Want will be shown on Channel 4 at 8pm tonight.

Copyright Press Association 2006


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