Who Are the Heretics?

What the quotes from the Koran quoted below suggest is this: It is not heretics that represent the problem in Islam. It isnot the mass of lukewarm Moslems who don't regularly study the Koran, who place their personal lives and family higher than the religion they were born into. Rather, it is the true believers who actually study the Koran. It is the orthodox, true believers who become violent and intolerant of other faiths. What if it turns out to be true that it is true believers that make up the corp of terrorists because Islam is, at its heart, a violent, war prone, terrorist religion? Because of America's "multiculturalism" and belief that no culture is better than any other, this thought seems to be unthinkable for most Americans. That a popular religion could advocate violence and intolerance seems to be unthinkable for most conservatives and liberals.

The key to unraveling this mystery is not the undeniable truth that there are many peacefull Moslems who do not follow the violent injunctions contained in the Koran. What is key is that the source of violence in Islam is not a heresy, not the personal preferences of disobedient Moslems, but rather the language of the Koran itself, the teachings of Mohammad. What if terrorists are the "good" and orthodox Moslems, and peaceful, tolerant Moslems are heretics, corrupted by weak Western notions?

Please prove to me that I am wrong.


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