Elephants looking backwards

by Bob Clasen

The reasons given for the Iraq war were erroneous. It appears to me that everyone was equally mistaken in believing that Hussein had WMD. There are plenty of quotes from Kerry and Clinton and Gore saying so, not to mention other world leaders. BUt if you want to believe that Bush was lying and more mistaken, okay, fine.

We can continue pour over the data about the beginning of the Iraq war forever, but that does not anwer the question, what do we do now. What would the Democrats do if they were in charge?

What would they do about Iraq, as the situation stands?

What would they do about Iran?

NOW. IF the Democrats want to be elected now, tell us what they want to do now. About Terrorism. Abotu Iraq. About Iran.

It is a difficult situation. Do you allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, or not? How do you stop Iran? What do you think Iran will do if it obtains nuclear weapons.

That Bush was at the very least mistaken about WMD when the war started is pretty clear. What we should do now, is pretty unclear, at least to me.

It is not a policy to say "Bush is an idiot. Bush is a crook. Bush is wrong." An answer states a reasonable and plausible program for addressing the Fundamentalist Islamic movement. That is the biggest scariest thing happening right now. Calling Bush names is not a policy.

Or if you think terrorism is not really a problem, it is a myth dreamed up by Bush, please defend this position with some facts and reason. IF the Democrats can't do this, they have no reason to complain if they are not elected.



J.D. Kessler said…

Mr. Rove wants to keep the bar any discussion of the "mistakes" because it can only bring down the Bush regime.

I agree that "What do we do now" is a very important question.

But only an apologist for the Bush administration can say, there should be no inquiry into the misuse of intelligence by the Bush administration to set up the war in Iraq.

The present position if the Bush administration and Iran seems to be "don't take the military option off the table" but continue to apply UN and other diplomatice pressure. I don't think the demoncrats would do anything different than the Bush administration other than be a little more reluctant to pull the trigger without a 9/11...ie preemptive strike.

Steve suggested that Bush quietly present a document to the Iranians stating, if you produce an nuclear weapon and it finds its way into the US, Europe or the West in general, even if detonated by a terrorist group, the US will consider it a strike by Iran and they will receive a full relaitory stike...ie the entire country is turned into a parking lot.

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