Democrats Debate Issues

What is so ironic is that if Foley had been a Democrat, the story would have attracted little interest among the major media or among Democrats. This lack of attention would have been reasonable. If the Republicans had tried to make an issue of Foley the Democrat, they would have been accused of being homophobes and ridiculed for bringing it up. Foley's naughty instant messaging done 3 years ago would be a "Non-Issue." It still is, except that the Democrats have nothing else they want to talk about, so it has been put on center stage, to try to distract the unruly mob.
Foleygate is so trivial, in the context of all the crucial issues facing the public. It just goes to prove that while man may be capable of reason, he rarely chooses to use it. Nor does he seem to have much interest in debating issues rationally. Perhaps this is why politics and religion are forbidden topics in polite conversation. They require the application of some rational thought, and that is considered rude. It is rude to point out that your friend's most sacred beliefs have no foundation in reason or evidence. Sex scandals are more fun, even if totally irrelevant to anything. Just look at which magazines are the most popular: People, National Enquirer, Us, etc. etc. Nothing but gossip about celebrities and this is what people crave.
Bob Clasen