Difficult Choices

October 24, 2006

The Bush goal: to bring democracy and a more secular government to Iraq. In the history of conflict between civilisations, this would be a remarkable accomplishment. It would plant the flag of freedom in the heart of the Mideast and give so called moderate Muslims a hope for something from their culture but dictatorship and a return to the dark ages of intolerance.

The price is high, (but historically not high when compared with prior wars: Civil War, World Wars, Korean War or Vietnam War).

I think it fair to criticize the tactics used in Iraq, IF you have some better suggestions. But I do not think the policy of simply abandoning Iraq to the forces of chaos and violent Jihad is the better choice.

We would like to believe that what happens in Afghanistan or Iraq has no relevance to us in America. But this is increasingly untrue. We live in one world, and as the world's only Superpower, we cannot put our head in the sand, or put our hands over our eyes about the growing Islamo fascist threat.

Another approach advocated by some is to give up on Moderate Muslims and consider that we are now at war with all of Islam. Is this better than trying to hold Iraq together?

The Democrats may get elected even though they have really failed to articulate their own vision.

by Bob Clasen


J.D. Kessler said…

As far as I am concerned, moderate Muslims deserve the government they permit. With the exception of a couple of Muslim dominated countries, there is no tradition of democratic rule.

I think the problem in Iraq is greatly accelerated by our presense in the Middle East. We are not liberators, we are infidel invaders regardless of what label we choose to put on ourselves. If we can get out and keep Iran from turning part of Iraq into a puppet state, I think we should let the Iraqis sort this out themselves.

We blindly think we offer a desirable alternative to authoritarian rule or a theocracy, but we just give all factions a target to blame for their own problems.

I think the generals should figure out how to extract our troops but still prevent the Iranians from taking over. I would set a time table for the current government and tell them that Iranian intervention will cause us to return. Give them six months to get their act together, consolidate our forces in easily defended locations, stop providing security, and let the Iraqis settle this themselves.

To show we mean it, pull out 20,000 troops so they get the message. If the great moderate middle doesn't like what is going on this will be a big wakeup call to them.

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