It's the Nukes, Stupid.

Now that North Korea has exploded a bomb, I am already hearing two predictable reactions.

From the Democrats (Hillary) "Bush caused this by taking his eye off the ball and refusing to take action."
From the Republicans "Clinton caused this by entering into a foolish treaty with a madman and refusing to take action."

Rather than begin another installment of the blame game, I would prefer it if I could read some discussion about what should be the action of our government now. The problem is not so much that Kim can lob ICBMs at the U.S. yet, but that North Korea is not beyond selling its nuclear technology to any terrorist in the world, that might carry a bomb to some target, perhaps even in the United States.

It seems to me that the World needs to take action to stop North Korea from possessing nuclear technology. How should this be done? If everyone agrees that we should have taken action previously, what action should we take now?

Bob Clasen


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