Ramadam Rememberance


By Michelle Malkin · October 19, 2006 01:02 PM

President Bush honored Muslims who have assisted the War on Terror at an iftar dinner Monday night at the White House. He praised "New York City police officers and a EMT worker who risked their lives to save their fellow citizens on 9/11; a military doctor and a member of the Navy's Chaplain Corps; members of our Foreign Service; and military veterans who have served in Afghanistan and Iraq to protect our country and help those nations build free and democratic futures."

All well and good.

But when President Bush starts overgeneralizing and whitewashing reality, his shallow platitudes about Islam become a hindrance.

"Islam is a religion that brings hope and comfort to more than a billion people around the world. It has transcended racial and ethnic divisions. It has given birth to a rich culture of learning and literature and science...
...Ramadan is the holiest month in the Muslim calendar. For Muslims in America and around the world, Ramadan is a special time of prayer and fasting, contemplation of God's greatness, and charity and service to those in need. And for people of all faiths, it is a good time to reflect on the values we hold in common, including love of family, gratitude to God, the importance of community, and a commitment to tolerance and religious freedom."

Religious freedom? Ask an apostate. Ask Abdul Rahman Ask Indonesian Christians. Ask Saudi Christians. Ask Egyptian Christians.

Tolerance? Ask gays in Iran. Ask Danish cartoonists. Ask Salman Rushdie.
Want more? Just Google "Ramadan violence."

See entire Malkin piece with all the links


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