Under the Knife

Well, politics and religion are great for alienating friends and relatives, but sometimes, reality rears its ugly head and requires that we pay attention to more mundane matters. For me, that reality takes the form of open heart surgery tomorrow morning at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach.
While the odds are that I will end up stronger and healthier for the "procedure," there is always some risk that such a drastic invasion of one's body may have unintended consequences. If that should happen, I would like to tell all of you in the "loyal opposition" that I appreciate your patience and candor over the years and wish you all the best. The give and take of honest discussion is one of the many things that makes this country great.
In the event everything goes well, I will be unable to "rant" for a while, until I am feeling a little better. I wish you all the best until I return, probably a week or so.
Bob Clasen