Back from Hospital

by Bob Clasen
Well, I am back, with a large scar. I am not sure if all the evil Republican demons have been sucked out of my soul so that now I see the Light, but I do have a new awareness of my own mortality and the relative importance of things. I am resolved to try to understand my liberal friends and maintain a civil debate about controversial things.
I find it interesting to speculate what the Democrats will do if they win the upcoming election, as expected. I heard one candidate proclaiming boldly that she would demand that Bush come forward with a Plan! So the Democrat plan is to insist that Republicans come up with a better one? I was hoping that was why we were putting the Democrats in charge: to get us out of this mess!
Will victorious Democrats send more troops to establish security in Bagdad? This seems very unlikely to me.
How about "Peace with Honor?" The Democrats certainly seem to want to extricate us out of Iraq as soon a practicable.
How will this reflect upon the Democrats if they withdraw troops on some timeline and Iraq collapses into chaos. Then the Blame Game will resume with a vengeance.
While home alone, I have time to catch up on some reading. I am reading "America Alone" by Mark Steyn, which is quite droll and has an interesting perspective on world conflict: demographics. I also have a book by Thomas Sowell I inherited from Dennis called "The Vision of the Annointed." This is a theory about the nature of the two basic paradigms that control the mental framework of the Right and Lef.
In the Woo Woo category, I have a book called something like "God and the Evolving Universe" by James Redfield. Finally, I am reading a recently released sequel to "Peter Pan."