Democrats Signal Surrender to Islamic Fascists

Monday, November 13, 2006

Well .. if the Islamic fascists dared to think last week that the American voters signaled surrender, they can pretty much rest assured that this is the case as we begin the week after.

If anybody thought for a second with Nancy Pelosi sitting there in the Oval Office pledging cooperation with George W. Bush that she was anything other than a Leftist radical, think again. She has already said she's supporting John Murtha for House Majority Leader. Get ready for an interesting two years...the door swings to the left on Capitol Hill.

Sure....Nancy Pelosi is doing everything she can to change her image from San Francisco Moonbat to one of a middle-of-the road moderate Democrat. But people who really know Nancy Pelosi know better. The good news for Republicans over the next two years is that she can't hide who she is. And why are all of these supposedly new moderate members of Congress going to vote for Pelosi as Speaker of the House? Who knows.

So now she's saying she supports Murtha for Majority Leader. This suddenly makes Steny Hoyer look like a conservative. So Pelosi is for Murtha....the same John Murtha that is calling for unconditional surrender to Al-Qaeda in Iraq. This is the same John Murtha that jumped to conclusions, all but accusing our troops of war crimes in Iraq. Yup...that John Murtha.

So don't let the conservative hairdo and attire fool you...Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi is a huge far to the Left as they come in the United States Congress.

Nancy Pelosi will also pass over Jane Harman for the chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee. Harman, a California Democrat, is accepted as the Democrat's most knowledgeable member of the House on Security and Intelligence issues. There's a problem though. Harman supports the war on Islamic Fascism. Pelosi wants the House Intelligence Committee to be chaired by someone who doesn't support that war. Make sense to you?

And let's not forget the actions of President Bush. The very day after the Democrat victory Bush fires Don Rumsfeld. Should Rumsfeld have gone? Perhaps so .. but could there be a worse day than the day after an election that changes the face of power in Washington? Islamic fascist leaders do not understand the nuances of power in Washington. They see Democrats (1) calling for withdrawal from the battlefield in Iraq; and (2) the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. The day after the Democrats score their victory they get Rumsfeld's resignation. Then within a weak major Democrat players start their withdrawal chant again.

Considering the above, why wouldn't the Islamic terrorists believe that they have scored a major victory, and that America is weakening before their eyes?

by Neal Boortz


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