Separate Church and State?

Many liberals are terrified at the slightest incroachment of government into religion, such as placing a Christmas tree at City Hall, or printing "In God We Trust" on the back of a dollar.

Such liberals should examine the history of Islam. Islam has no tolerance for the idea that church and state should be separate. Islam assumes that the Church and state should be one and that all citizens should be governed by Islamic law, or Sharia.

If Moslems get their way, the separation of church and state will become a thing of the past.

The one thing that can sometimes bring groups in conflict together is their mutual perception of a shared threat. Why is it that liberals remain oblivious of the danger of radical political Islam to their cherished liberal ideals?

Freedom of speech does not exist under Sharia law. Criticizing Mohammad is a death penalty offense. Nor does freedom of religion exist under Sharia law. In fact, infidels are tolerated; allowed to live only as second class citizens if they pay a "poll tax."

Once you convert to Islam, you're freedom of religion ends. Changing your mind to believe in any other kind of religion besides Islam, or atheism, is called Apostasy. The crime of apostasy is a capital offense under Sharia law.

Rights for minorities such as homosexuals are not respected by Islam. Islam has sanctioned the murder of homosexuals and also sanctioned stoning women (but rarely men) for adultery.

Sharia is the ultimate Anti-Liberal set of laws.

So why are liberals so unconcerned? Why do they feel that Bush and Cheney are the problem, not Islam? Perhaps liberals has suffered some damage to their instinct for survival?

It is a complete mystery to me.

Bob Clasen


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