War on Terror

by Bob Clasen
Currently, the Administration is trying to wage a War on Terror. But Terror is not an entity. It is a method of warfare, like automatic weapons, or aircraft. One cannot wage war against a technique or technology.
I suggest that what is needed is not more soldiers to be sent to Iraq, but greater clarity of thought.
Who, exactly, is our enemy? It would appear that one of America's enemies is Fundamentalist Islam. Why is Fundamentalist Islam our enemy? Because Fundamentalist Islam defines unbelievers as infidel and urges its members to wage war against them. This is the doctrine of jihad. The problem is not with extremisist who hijacked a peaceful religion. The problem is the doctrine of Jihad, or Holy War is found throughout the Koran. This doctrine can be re-interpreted by modern liberal types as a psychological warfare against one's own sins, but that is not how many people throughout history have interpreted it. Anyone who is given to literal interpretation of the Koran will be tempted to engage in violence on behalf of Allah.
If you wish to research this issue, a convenient site is here which documents 164 jihad references in the Koran. The only peace I find in Islam from my readings of the Koran would be the peace that results after every infidel has been conquered and killed or subjugated. That would assume that the inter faith fighting between different sects of Islam such as the Sunnis and Shiites is also brought to a halt somehow. The truth is that Islam is a violent religion because fighting for Allah is praised and repeatedly recommended in the Koran.
Therefore, whether the Sunnis or Shias win in Iraq, if they are Islamic, if they support jihad against the infidel United States, it makes little difference to the United States. This is why supporting one side against the other is a waste of American blood and resources. So long as Shia is fighting Sunni, they are distracted from coming over here and fighting us.
Perhaps this is too simple?
Did you see the poll of American Muslims and their attitudes about suicide bombing.
I did see the poll of American Muslims willing to support suicide bombs. I am not surprised.
I don't think that "they" can be "bought." The problem is religion. The teaching that martyrdom is noble and beautiful and will result in an instantaneous trip to paradise. The teaching that Jihad is enjoined upon all good Moslems. It is difficult even to see how their economy can prosper under the yoke of religious fundamentalism. Look what has happened to the Iranian economy since the fundamentalist have taken power.
The battle is intellectual and rational. The problem with the west is that we have this axiom that all religions are to be equally respected. Who are we to judge the beliefs of another people. The sacred icon of multiculturalism. If all religions must be respected, then Osama Bin Laden must be respected. And voodoo. And human sacrifice.
A religion that call for obedience based upon nothing more than "faith" deserves no respect, no matter how noble it's teachings. Pure faith which "leaps" beyond reason can leap in any direction, sane or insane. Giving up reason is itself a branch of insanity.
Any religion that abjures reason is dangerous. The battle is between the forces of reason and the forces of superstitioin. If so, it will be a long battle, for the forces of reason do not look very formidable in the political arena. Nor are there many loyal and devoted to the cause of Reason.