War With Iran?

Iranian forces crossed Iraqi border: report

Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces have been spotted by British troops crossing the border into southern Iraq, The Sun tabloid reported on Tuesday.

Britain's defence ministry would not confirm or deny the report, with a spokesman declining to comment on "intelligence matters".

An unidentified intelligence source told the tabloid: "It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran -- but nobody has officially declared it."

Oh great. Hopefully, the Sun has it wrong.



J.D. Kessler said…
Unfortuneately, I have felt this coming for some time. Are they f..king nuts? We could devastate their economy without committing any ground forces.
J.D. Kessler said…
Hey Bob...what is this "French 24 news channel.

I went to the Sun's online website and don't find this story.

In otherwords, where did you get the story???
Bob Cat said…
It's there. The reference is on front page, small headline "Iran - Our Boys Attacked." You can get to the story with two clicks. I think I picked up the reference from the site "Jihad Watch" by Robert Spencer. http://www.jihadwatch.org/ He in turn has things sent to him by his readers.

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