Grand Inquisitor


I don't claim to have followed the trial for "Scooter" Libby carefully. But this is another case where no crime was found or charged except the crime of lying to the investigator, in this case a "Special Prosecutor". (Another one like this was Martha Stewart).

Perhaps they should change the Special Prosecutor's name to the Divine Inquisitor. An attorney in my office was called to jury duty. He was advised that the trial was about a person being in the vicinity of a prostitute, where prostition activity was known to be going on, although there was no evidence that he actually had sex with the prostitute. Apparently this is now a crime in the good city of Santa Ana. Mike advised the Prosecutor that he thought the prosecution of such "crimes" was a waste of taxpayer money. You should not have to go to jail if you didn't even get laid. I feel the same about these special prosecutions for "lying" to the prosecutor. Where is the crime. The prosecutor can kiss my a**.

By the way, what ever happened to Sandy Berger for stealing documents from the National Archive, and even destroying some of them? Nothing. Did Clinton serve time for lying under oath. Of course not. So let's not get our panties in a twister.

bob cat


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